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香港美乎X-venture skateboarding competition 2011 - 滑板界-新聞-賽事

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香港美乎X-venture skateboarding competition 2011

發表於 2011-7-19 09:18:56 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

8月7日 ·
15:00 -

Mei Foo Skate park


Date: 7 Aug 2011
Time: 15:00 - 20:00
(15:00 On-site registration start~~)
Venue: Mei Foo Skate park

- Fun Box Manual Contest (Best Trick)
- Flat Bar Contest (Best Trick)
- Skate Park Contest (Best Trick)
- Ollie Contest
- Game of S.K.A.T.E (Professionals)
- Fun Box Contest (Best Trick)(Professionals excepted)
- Tic Tac Contest (Girls)
1.        Fun Box Manual Contest (Best Trick)
•        每名參賽者均會獲派一個編號,參賽者需順著號碼輪流進行比賽
•        比賽分5個回合進行,每個回合參加者需於20秒內完成花式
•        演示出最佳花式者將成為冠軍
-        a number will be assigned to each participant, competitions will go on in
proper order
-        The competition will be divided up into 5 round , each round should be
completed in less than 20 seconds
-        Participant who perform the best trick wins the contest

2.Flat Bar Contest (Best Trick)
•比賽以分組形式進行,8-10人為一組,每組時間以參賽人數計​算, 一名參賽者有1分鐘時間演示花式,如八人一組則有8分鐘時間進行​,如此類推
-a number will be assigned to each participant, competitions will go on in proper order
-All the competitors will be divided up into groups of 8-10, competition duration twill be based on the number of participants in the group , each participant has 1 minute to perform tricks , if there are 8 people in the group , it takes 8 minutes for the competition
-Participant who perform the best trick wins the contest

3.Skate Park Contest (Best Trick)
-a number will be assigned to each participant, competitions will go on in proper order
-Each participant has 10 minute to perform trick freely , judges will decide who goes in to the final round (Availability of final round will base on the number of competitors in first round)
-Final round : Each participant has 1 minute to perform trick , Participant who perform the best trick wins the contest

 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-4 01:54:58 | 顯示全部樓層

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